Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reading Response 7

While reading this week's material I kept relating it back to my project with the Boys and Girls Club.

After reading the chapter on typography, I went and looked at the club's current site to see what needed to be improved upon. The following is a screenshot of the homepage. I would definitely recommend a change in typeface based on this reading. Also the use of italics and gray font color make reading the page that much more inconvenient for the user. There is also an inconsistency in typeface itself. The logo uses one typeface, the chunk of descriptive type looks like Bookman
 Old Style, and then I also think I see Times New Roman for the donation section as well as Arial for a link to the newsletter. The page needs some more uniformity and typeface appears to be a great place to start!

The second chapter of "Information Architecture" focused my attention a bit more on the usability. I began to think about who will be accessing the site: mostly parents. It is important that parents are able to easily navigate through the content and learn about what the club offers. There is no need for a lot of frills or flashy add ons. Shooting for "informatively simple" will be the goal. Also, one of the main requests made by the club is that the site is easily edited. Not only should the average parent be able to access and use the site, but also in-house employees as well as interns will be making changes in the future. So keeping the programs user friendly and easy to learn is extremely important.

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