Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update in Social Technographics - Conversationalists!

A New Rung in the Ladder

I suppose this is only a reflection of how social media and the groundswell is constantly changing and evolving. I just found this news while doing some research for my internship, looks like there's a new social technographic group in town!

Everything below I took from a kingpin in the social media world. You can see the full article/post here. I just reposted what is new to us.


This year, Forrester observed notable activity that warranted the creation of a new rung on the Technographics ladder, one that earned a top position just below Creators. According to Forrester, America is increasingly becoming a nation of social chatterboxes. A recent Forrester survey that polled more then 10,000 consumers shows that one in every three online Americans is a “conversationalist” – someone who updates their status in the statusphere (any social network with an update window) at least once per week. Conversationalists represent 33% of today’s online social behavior.

The survey identified the people behind the category, with 56% of conversationalists representing the highest concentration of women in any social group. And, 70% of this group were 30 years or older.


  1. Wow that's really cool that they have a new dimension up there. Thanks for letting us know.

  2. Hi Joanna. Brian Solis is brilliant. I've read his blog for awhile now. I actually have the RSS feed to his blog on my blog. I'm definitely a conversationalist. I update my status a few times daily!

  3. That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. Joanna, I like the updates you have shared with us. This compliments your good work done and helps us to understand and appreciate your work the more. Keep it up.
